

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Here is the Backside of #Gamification

Well into the the Quest to become Calculus Gods, its time to show how things are working behind the scenes…Most of this information can be found here: http://haselcalc.wikispaces.com/ Over the summer I tried really hard to come up with different things for the students to purchase.  Here is a list of those items as they are … Continue reading

Boss Fighting and Other #Gamification Thoughts

The quest that is Calculus in my classroom this year has really started to turn interesting. Students have officially moved into that space where teachers can start to feel uncomfortable – they are all over the place! I have students blazing through Quest 3A others scheduling their Quest 2 Boss Fight and yet others still … Continue reading

Get Ready, Get Set, GO GAMIFY!

If you have been following this blog over the past couple of months, then you know that I have been taking the step towards gamifying my calculus classes this school year.  I am really excited about this, but also really nervous.  One of the biggest reasons for my excitement is that I will be introducing … Continue reading

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