

This tag is associated with 19 posts

The Year in Review – What a year 2014!

Happy 2015!!  I hope it goes super #Amazeballs! This past year, I had 8,900 views – mind blowing to a guy who is trying to share his love of teaching a passion for learning!!  There were 46 total posts that covered everything from legislative issues, gamification, flipclass, the ISTE conference, and my passion for teaching (my most popular … Continue reading

Here is the Backside of #Gamification

Well into the the Quest to become Calculus Gods, its time to show how things are working behind the scenes…Most of this information can be found here: http://haselcalc.wikispaces.com/ Over the summer I tried really hard to come up with different things for the students to purchase.  Here is a list of those items as they are … Continue reading

Boss Fighting and Other #Gamification Thoughts

The quest that is Calculus in my classroom this year has really started to turn interesting. Students have officially moved into that space where teachers can start to feel uncomfortable – they are all over the place! I have students blazing through Quest 3A others scheduling their Quest 2 Boss Fight and yet others still … Continue reading


I teach and am proud to do so.  At the risk of being just a little self-serving – I think I am pretty damn good at it!  I try super hard to form relationships with my students.  To really get to know them.  To understand them and what is going on outside of the school … Continue reading

What Would You Do?

Before I get to far into this post: I am not the best writer and I am not normally one to get really active politically as a teacher.  I just don’t have time…I know that I should call/email/fax/smoke signals with my elected leaders but who has time with all of the teaching, then coaching, then … Continue reading

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